General Concrete Specifications for Basketball and Multi-Game Courts with DunkStar Suspended Surfacing
- 4″ Minimum compacted base material to grade
- Concrete pad 4″ thick with 6″ thickened edge
- 3,000 PSI mix
- Light broom finish
- Steel reinforcement 3/8″ steel rebar 24 inches to 36 inches on center
- Slope/crown 1/2″ – 1″ per 16′ (1/4% – 1/2% slope)
- Saw cut expansion joints between 12′ and 15′ squares
- Expansive or unstable soil, water, and climate conditions may require engineered specifications for a specific site.
- Tennis specifications for single or multiple courts are custom engineered and may require post tension concrete depending on soil, water, and climate condition.
- All support posts and sleeves for basketball pole, lights, and net posts should be set in concrete pad at time of pour. If court is less than 28′ wide, place sleeves in a 2′ x 2′ concrete wing.
Once subsurface prepared, see DunkStar Court Installation page for game court assembly instructions.